
How we work

In an introductory meeting, we examine your unique business and formulate a strategy for outsourcing tasks. There may be other aspects that come to light beyond what was mentioned earlier. In such cases, we will seek a VA match for those needs! The goal is to provide you with focus, growth, and peace of mind. The Virtual Assistant Company offers the solution. Our service goes beyond that of a mere assistant. See below the steps of our process.

Step 1

Initial meeting with the Virtual Assistant Company and the Client: Our journey begins with an introduction chat. In this exploratory conversation, we get to know your wishes and expectations.

Step 2
The perfect match

At the Virtual Assistant Company, we work our magic to find the ideal assistant for your needs. Once we've found the perfect match, we introduce them to you, ensuring it's a good fit.

Step 3

If both you and the assistant give a resounding 'yes', it's time to kick things off. We take care of the legalities by sending you a contract that includes important items like a confidentiality clause. If required, we can also provide a Certificate of Good Conduct (VOG).

Step 4
Ready for take-off

During the kick-off, we provide a detailed rundown of how things will work. Login credentials are shared, and we will share plans for optimizing your (back-office) setup.

Step 5
Let the collaboration begin

Your collaboration with your dedicated VA commences. In most cases, you'll work closely with one VA who becomes your right-hand assistant. But if a particular project demands it, we can bring in additional expertise.

Step 6
Ongoing support

We stay in the picture: We're not just here to make introductions and disappear. We stay engaged and proactive. Regular evaluation meetings ensure things are on track, and if you encounter any challenges, we're just a call away. We also provide backup support for the holidays or unexpected absences. Plus, we love sharing our knowledge to help you streamline your work processes.

This is how we make the magic happen. From introductions to ongoing support, we're here to ensure your experience with the Virtual Assistant Company is seamless and successful.

Frequently asked questions

When partnering with a VA, we prioritize:

  1. Skills: Assessing their specific expertise and experience.
  2. Communication: Proactive communication skills, both written and verbal.
  3. Personality: Enthusiasm, responsibility, and the ability to handle confidential information.

We follow procedures to handle information competently, preferring to work in a secure client environment. Files are not stored on personal computers, and we use secure password managers. A collaboration agreement includes a clause emphasizing non-disclosure. Competence in handling confidential information is a crucial selection criterion for us.

Collaboration hours are adjustable monthly, providing flexibility.

The minimum collaboration is 16 hours per month, with additional hours billed as needed. Larger hour subscriptions offer a discounted hourly rate, with minimums of 40 and 80 hours per month. The collaboration has a one-month notice period. For more information on hours and rates click here.

In most cases, the collaboration can start within two weeks. There are also possibilities to commence work immediately if needed

Curious about what we can do for you?

Get in touch and you’ll hear back from us within one workday. Or schedule an introduction meeting directly.